The most popular Oktoberfest-Band of the world
They stand on the benches, sing, clap, dance, laugh. An audience in high spirits, for whom musical fireworks are lit on stage. Enthusiasm and exuberance throughout the evening.
An event with the "Münchner Zwietracht" - always a great success.
A whole year has now passed since they last stood on stage and celebrated cult-genius parties together with their fans. But Münchner Zwietracht wouldn't be Münchner Zwietracht if they weren't already making big plans again and looking ahead positively musically.
First of all, there's a "FIESTA CALIENTE IM ENGLISCHEN GARTEN", packed into a groovy rhythmic arrangement that skillfully combines their Bavarian roots with South American musical influences. Completely in the sense of the original idea of Wolfgang Köbele to found the meanwhile most popular Oktoberfest band in the world, in 1991 ! During a visit to Brazil, the passionate musician discovered at that time his love for the southern music character and already the first success songs of the Munich Zwietracht were born.
Wolfgang Köbele, Heinzi Fuhrmann and Andi Häckel are still among the original members of the group, which was strengthened last year with three new additions! Peter Lautenschlager and Danny Klupp joined on drums and guitar. So did the 27-year-old singer and guitarist Chris Furtner, who will attract a lot of attention, especially among the young audience.
So let's celebrate musically together a hot party in the English Garden and look forward to everything that the Munich Zwietracht will present us in the future!!! Also in the works is a new album for 2021, which will be released in early summer. Their new single title "Fiesta Caliente in the English Garden" will of course also be included on it.
Guest at the Bayerischer Rundfunk
We were also guests at the Bayerischer Rundfunk and told about our 30th anniversary and our new album.
Here you can see the video
HURRA our new album is now available everywhere
Münchner Zwietracht Trio - unplugged.
Download now or stream on Spotify
The most popular Oktoberfest band in the world can also do it differently! Namely as a trio, as in the early days in 1990.
At that time, the media quickly became aware of the cheeky songs of the Munich Zwietracht and many experts attested the band a great future. And so it came to pass. Almost 30 years of "Oktoberfest Party around the world" followed. Annually up to 100 concerts...... then came Corona.
Now Wolfgang Köbele, Heinz Fuhrmann and Andreas Häckel have returned to their roots and draw from their large fund of musical G ́schichten about Munich, Bavaria and their countrymen. They play and tell cheeky songs with cheerful, tongue-in-cheek lyrics and rousing Bavarian-Brazilian rhythm. Live and unplugged.
Chris Furtner, born in Munich-Pasing, is the new voice at MÜNCHNER ZWIETRACHT.
Chris - a true Munich native - comes from a musical family. His father also plays in a band and that's how Chris got to know and love the music of the last 50 years at a very young age.
Growing up in the beautiful Würmtal, and after successfully finishing high school in Gauting, he quickly realized that he wanted to become a musician.
Already as a child he learned guitar, singing and piano. Afterwards he played in different bands and came on a few detours as a guitarist and background singer to the Andreas Gabalier band.
In the meantime, he also founded Cerberus Broadcast GmbH. a company based in IT services, and continues to work as a freelance musician.
Wolfgang Köbele discovered Chris in 2018 in a music pub, when he sang there alone to the guitar.
Addresses were exchanged and now the time has come!
From 1 September 2020 Chris Furtner is singer and guitarist with the Münchner Zwietracht.
And of course live from when it is possible again. Good luck and success, dear Chris!
Photo by: © MaxLouis Köbele
From 0 to 100
The ascent to the cult band began more than 25 years ago and continues steeply upwards. Founded in 1991 by Wolfgang Köbele, MÜNCHNER ZWIETRACHT stormed the big tour and event stages at full speed. Only 4 years later, in 1995, its history began as the legendary "Oktoberfest Band", which it continues to write successfully to this day.
Records and spectacles
The appearances in three Grand Prix broadcasts within 9 months even earned MÜNCHNER ZWIETRACHT an entry in the Guinness Book of Records.
Their spectacular performance with the Munich fashionable tsar Rudolph Moshammer in the German preliminary round of the Eurovision Song Contest 2001 remains unforgettable.
Tours and October festivals in Europe, the USA, Mexico, Brazil and Korea, countless television and radio shows show what a coveted act the MÜNCHNER ZWIETRACHT is. Their CDs are bestsellers.
The guarantee of success for every event
Experts and agencies agree: MÜNCHNER ZWIETRACHT is the best you can wish for an event. With their mixture of their own songs and outstandingly interpreted cover titles, as well as a thrilling stage show, they turn the evening into a bubbling Oktoberfest party.
Bandleader, Bass und Chor
Tourleiter, Keyboards, Akkordeon und Gesang
Leadgesang, Moderation und Gitarre
Trompete und Gesang
The latest albums directly from the Alm!
© Münchner Zwietracht